our ministry team

The team at First Lutheran Church in Geneseo is led by Pastor Laura Kamprath and Pastor Matt Kamprath. Married January 2010, Matt and Laura have shared their pastoral journey together. They graduated seminary in May 2010 and were ordained in January 2011. They served as Co-Pastors of St. Luke Lutheran Church in Campbell Hill, IL until 2012. At that time Pastor Laura accepted a call to serve the congregations of the Wartburg Parish. Pastor Matt remained at St. Luke Church until November 2016, when they were both called as Co-Pastors for First Lutheran Church, Geneseo. 


In 2021, Pastor Matt began ministry at Cambridge Lutheran Church, in addition to his ministry at First Lutheran, and Pastor Laura began full-time ministry as our Lead Pastor at First Lutheran. They live in Geneseo with their children, Anna and Noah, and their dog, Silas.

  • Rev. Laura Kamprath


    email | (309) 944.3196

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  • Rev. Matt Kamprath


    email | (309) 944.3196

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  • Linda Bloomberg


    email | (309) 944.3196

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  • Mary Jo Brummet

    Parish Administrator

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  • Abbey Cathelyn

    Director of

    Youth & Family Ministry

    email | (309) 944.3196

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  • Melinda Wildermuth

    Director of

    Worship & Music Ministry

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  • Misty Slaymaker

    Preschool Director

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  • Charlene Daniels


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  • Patsy Andress

    Financial Secretary

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  • Erin Vorac
    Communications Specialist

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  • Chasidy Gonnella

    Parish Accountant

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  • Hilary Anselmi

    Nursery Coordinator

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church council & Ministry Assignments

Members serving on our Church Council are listed and pictured below.  Please feel free to contact any council member with questions about First Lutheran or its many ministries. The Council meets the third Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome to attend. 

President: Jeff Boyer

Vice President: Sam Marshall

Secretary: Julie Kunkel

Treasurer: Matt Simosky

Cabinet: Jeff Boyer, Sam Marshall, Julie Kunkel, Matt Simosky, Cindy Groene, Pastor Laura Kamprath,  and Pastor Matt Kamprath

Members: Chris Ahlstrand, Chase Anselmi, Jeff Boyer, Cindy Groene, Jamian Haser, Kathy Heller, Julie Kunkel, Lorrie Lord, Eli Palmer, Sam Marshall, Linda Sheley, Matt Simosky, and Pastors Laura & Matt Kamprath.

Below are the members who lead and serve the ministries of First Lutheran Church.  Ministry meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m.  All members are welcome to be involved in a ministry.  Please contact a ministry lead or Pastors if you are interested or would like more information.

BUILDING & PROPERTY: Jeff Boyer, Chase Anselmi


CONGREGATIONAL LIFE: Chris Ahlstrand, Cindy Groene


FINANCE: Matt Simosky

SOCIAL MINISTRY: Kathy Heller, Linda Sheley


STEWARDSHIP: Sam Marshall, Jamian Haser

WORSHIP & MUSIC: Julie Kunkel, Lorrie Lord


Pictured back row left to right: Matt Simosky, Chase Anselmi, Jeff Boyer, Sam Marshall

Pictured front row left to right: Linda Sheley, Cindy Groene, Jamian Haser, Chris Ahlstrand, Eli Palmer, Pastor Laura Kamprath, Julie Kunkel, Lorrie Lord

Not pictured: Kathy Heller, Pastor Matt Kamprath