children & Family ministry

Our goal is to provide a Christian education and foster a love for worship in our children and their families.  First Lutheran Church offers a wide variety of programming, education, fun and fellowship opportunities to strengthen our spirituality, our relationships with one another and our bond with Christ.  See below for an overview opportunities.  See below for upcoming activities and check our Events Calendar for listing of all gatherings.  Volunteers are welcome and appreciated!  Please visit our Giving page to find out how you can share your talents with us, while supporting our children and families in their Christian journey.

  • Little Lamb Nursery and PRAYground

    Jesus said, "Let the children come to me."  We welcome all children to worship with us.  Little Lambs Nursery is available for children ages birth to two years old, and is staffed each week by volunteers or our Nursery Coordinator, Hilary Anselmi.  The PRAYground is in the overflow area of the Sanctuary and is set up for children ages 3-7 years old. Busy bags are also available for all children to borrow during the service.

  • Milestones Ministries

    Milestones Ministry brings an awareness of the presence of God not only to children but families and individuals of all generations through a vital partnership between home and congregation.  Here at First Lutheran, children and youth are supported in their faith through identified milestones in their lives.  

  • Faithtime Kids is an afternoon of “Sharing Christ’s Love” through music, games, education, and other special projects. Programming is available weekly on Wednesdays from 3:15-5:15 p.m. for ages kindergarten through 5th grade.  

    Click here to register

    View the 2024-2025 Faithtime Schedule

  • Vacation Bible School

    Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held in the summer and is open to First Lutheran members and their guests from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.  Participants experience crafts, games, songs, Bible stories, and more!


    2025 VBS JUNE 8-12!

  • Quest

    On Wednesday afternoons from September to March, First Lutheran 6th graders will be on a Quest.  This program focuses on questions.  Participants will be asking and exploring what it means to be Christian and Lutheran.  Each month will bring a new theme. Quest is led by Beth Nyland. 

Children & family ministry

upcoming events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...